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Picture of Тимур Родригез

About Тимур Родригез

Timur Mikayilovich Kerimov (born October 14, 1979 in Penza), better known as Timur Rodriguez (often stylized as T-moor Rodriguez), is a Russian showman, singer, TV and radio personality, known for his participation on the TV projects KVN, Comedy Club and «Yuzhnoye Butovo», and leading programs «Crocodile», «Sexy chart» and «Dances without rules». Timur's father is Mikayil Karimov (Микаил Керимов) is Azerbaijani and his mother Zlata Efimovna Levina (Злата Ефимовна Левина) is Jewish. Mikayil is an actor in a puppet theater and Zlata is a translator and teacher of English and German. From 2010, Timur became known as the singer, the executor of the songs «Passion» (duet with Ani Lorak), «About You» and «Sick of you». In April 2011 release of his new single «Tell me», and in summer - «Out in space», in the autumn of 2011 - «Better not be», in the winter of 2012 - «Welcome To The Night,» in the summer of 2012 - «Jump» (duet with DJ Smash), in the autumn of 2012 - «I Believe In Your Love».

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Timur Rodriguez , which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.

Tweets from Тимур Родригез (@TRodriguezRU)

Interesting links - Тимур Родригез

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