She was also watching on the occasion of his first break in. His face was lit by the moon, and was so familiar she’d thought he was a ghost. She’d listened to him moving about the house, and when he’d fallen quiet, she had said a name aloud. There was a sudden commotion of running steps, and he was gone. In the room he had left, an album of photographslLay spilled across the floor. de Grand Salvo
Llista de reproducció She was also watching on the occasion of his first break in. His face was lit by the moon, and was so familiar she’d thought he was a ghost. She’d listened to him moving about the house, and when he’d fallen quiet, she had said a name aloud. There was a sudden commotion of running steps, and he was gone. In the room he had left, an album of photographslLay spilled across the floor. - Grand Salvo
Grand Salvo
¿Com et fa sentir aquesta música?
LLetra de She was also watching on the occasion of his first break in. His face was lit by the moon, and was so familiar she’d thought he was a ghost. She’d listened to him moving about the house, and when he’d fallen quiet, she had said a name aloud. There was a sudden commotion of running steps, and he was gone. In the room he had left, an album of photographslLay spilled across the floor. - Grand Salvo
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Playlists principals
Veure tot ›Son tendència ara mateix a Mozaart
La Jeepeta - Remix
Nio Garcia, Anuel AA, Myke Towers, Brray, Juanka
El Manual
Anuel AA
Carita de Inocente (feat. Myke Towers) - Remix
Prince Royce, Myke Towers
Hasta Que Dios Diga
Anuel AA, Bad Bunny
Justin Quiles, Daddy Yankee, El Alfa
Pa toda la vida (feat. Mozart La Para)
Don Patricio, Mozart La Para
Sech, Justin Quiles
La Curiosidad
Jay Wheeler, DJ Nelson, Myke Towers
Sur y Norte
Nengo Flow, Anuel AA
Els vídeos més vistos a Mozaart ara mateix
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