Introduction (instructions) de XXXTENTACION - Lletra i clip
Llista de reproducció Introduction (instructions) - XXXTENTACION
¿Com et fa sentir aquesta música?
LLetra de Introduction (instructions) - XXXTENTACION
To find, to find the exact words, to find the perfect words, to say less but to say more, was ideal for this project, and till my energy and mind be felt, in a less aggressive way but a more passive and genius way was ideal with this album, to show the versatility and to show th- to open minds in a self was the goal of this album, and to acquire a large amount of passion, and love and appreciation for myself was the goal of this album; loyalty to myself was the goal of this album. So, I'll offer this warning and set of instructions; if you are not open-minded before you listen to this album, open your mind. If you don't listen to the alternative sound and you've never been into the alternative sound and have not been open to trying different things; open your mind before you listen to this album. You can listen to it anywhere, preferably your room, your car, but it can be played anywhere. This album is far different, far more versatile, far more uplifting than the last. It's something you can find comfort in, it's very comforting but discomforting at the same time. So, with this project, again me entering your mind. feeling my insanity, feeling my genius, my energy. Enjoy.
¿Alguna cosa va malament amb aquesta lletra?
La teva sol·licitud s'ha enviat. La revisarem ràpidament
Playlists principals
Veure tot ›Son tendència ara mateix a Mozaart
La Jeepeta - Remix
Nio Garcia, Anuel AA, Myke Towers, Brray, Juanka
El Manual
Anuel AA
Carita de Inocente (feat. Myke Towers) - Remix
Prince Royce, Myke Towers
Hasta Que Dios Diga
Anuel AA, Bad Bunny
Justin Quiles, Daddy Yankee, El Alfa
Pa toda la vida (feat. Mozart La Para)
Don Patricio, Mozart La Para
Sech, Justin Quiles
La Curiosidad
Jay Wheeler, DJ Nelson, Myke Towers
Sur y Norte
Nengo Flow, Anuel AA
Els vídeos més vistos a Mozaart ara mateix
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