Graveyard de Halsey - Letra e clipe
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Letra da música Graveyard - Halsey
It's crazy when
The thing you love the most
Is the detriment
Let that sink in
You can think again
When the hand you want to hold
Is a weapon and
You're nothin' but skin
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running, I keep running, I keep running
They say I may be making a mistake
I woulda followed all the way
No matter how far
I know when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running when both my feet hurt
I won't stop till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
You look at me
With eyes so dark
I don't know how you even see
You push right through me (push right through me)
It's getting real
You lock the door
You're drunk at the steering wheel
And I can't conceal
Oh, 'cause I've been digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running, I keep running, I keep running
They say I may be making a mistake
I woulda followed all the way
No matter how far
I know when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running when both my feet hurt
I won't stop till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, it's funny how
The warning signs can feel
Like they're butterflies
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running when both my feet hurt
I won't stop till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
The thing you love the most
Is the detriment
Let that sink in
You can think again
When the hand you want to hold
Is a weapon and
You're nothin' but skin
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running, I keep running, I keep running
They say I may be making a mistake
I woulda followed all the way
No matter how far
I know when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running when both my feet hurt
I won't stop till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
You look at me
With eyes so dark
I don't know how you even see
You push right through me (push right through me)
It's getting real
You lock the door
You're drunk at the steering wheel
And I can't conceal
Oh, 'cause I've been digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running, I keep running, I keep running
They say I may be making a mistake
I woulda followed all the way
No matter how far
I know when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running when both my feet hurt
I won't stop till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, it's funny how
The warning signs can feel
Like they're butterflies
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running when both my feet hurt
I won't stop till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
Down all your darkest roads
I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard
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