Ain’t It Fun de Guns N’ Roses - Letra e clipe
Lista de reprodução Ain’t It Fun - Guns N’ Roses
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Letra da música Ain’t It Fun - Guns N’ Roses
Ain't it fun when you're always on the run
Ain't it fun when your friends despise what you become
Ain't it fun when you get so high
Well... that you, you just can't come
Ain't it fun when you know that you gonna die young
It's such fun
Good fun
Such fun
Such fun
Aah such fun
Such fun
Such fun aah
Yeah fun,
Just fun
Ain't it fun when you taking care of number one
Ain't it fun when you feel like you just gotta get a gun
Ain't it fun when you just can't seem to find your tongue
Cause you stuck it too deep into something that really stung
It's such fun, ah
Well, so good to me, they spit right in my face
I didn't even feel it
It was such a disgrace
I punched my fist right through the glass
I didn't even feel it
It happened so fast
Such fun
Such fun
Such fun
Ah such fun
Such fun
Such fun
Ah such fun
Ain't it fun when you tell her she's just a cunt
Ain't it fun when you she splits you and leaves you on the bum
Well, ain't it fun when you've broken up every band that you've ever begun
Ain't it fun when you know that you're gonna die young
It's such fun
Such fun [x 13]
Ain't it fun when your friends despise what you become
Ain't it fun when you get so high
Well... that you, you just can't come
Ain't it fun when you know that you gonna die young
It's such fun
Good fun
Such fun
Such fun
Aah such fun
Such fun
Such fun aah
Yeah fun,
Just fun
Ain't it fun when you taking care of number one
Ain't it fun when you feel like you just gotta get a gun
Ain't it fun when you just can't seem to find your tongue
Cause you stuck it too deep into something that really stung
It's such fun, ah
Well, so good to me, they spit right in my face
I didn't even feel it
It was such a disgrace
I punched my fist right through the glass
I didn't even feel it
It happened so fast
Such fun
Such fun
Such fun
Ah such fun
Such fun
Such fun
Ah such fun
Ain't it fun when you tell her she's just a cunt
Ain't it fun when you she splits you and leaves you on the bum
Well, ain't it fun when you've broken up every band that you've ever begun
Ain't it fun when you know that you're gonna die young
It's such fun
Such fun [x 13]
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