On Top of the World di Imagine Dragons - Testi e clip
elenco di riproduzione On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons
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Testi di On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons
If you love somebody
Better tell them while they're here
'cause they just may run away from you
You'll never know quite when, well
Then again it just depends on
How long of time is left for you
I've had the highest mountains
I've had the deepest rivers
You can have it all but life keeps moving
I take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world
I've tried to cut these corners
Try to take the easy way out
I kept on falling short of something
I coulda gave up then
but then again I couldn't have
'cause I've traveled all this way for something
I take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now, get up, get up now
And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now, get up, get up now
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world
Better tell them while they're here
'cause they just may run away from you
You'll never know quite when, well
Then again it just depends on
How long of time is left for you
I've had the highest mountains
I've had the deepest rivers
You can have it all but life keeps moving
I take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world
I've tried to cut these corners
Try to take the easy way out
I kept on falling short of something
I coulda gave up then
but then again I couldn't have
'cause I've traveled all this way for something
I take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now, get up, get up now
And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now, get up, get up now
'Cause I'm on top of the world
I'm on top of the world
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile
Been holding it in for a while
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world
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