A L I E N S de Coldplay - Paroles et clip
Playlist A L I E N S - Coldplay
Something Just Like This (Alesso remix)
The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
Something Just Like This (Don Diablo remix)
The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
Something Just Like This (ARMNHMR remix)
The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
Comment cette musique vous fait-elle vous sentir?
Paroles de A L I E N S - Coldplay
We were just about to lose our home
Diamonds ate the radio
Moving in the dead of night
We took photographs just some just so
History has some to know
We were moving at the speed of flight
Kids cry
If you want to
That's alright
If you want to
Hold me
Hold me tight
Just an alien
We were hovering without a home
Millions are UFO
Hovering in hope some scope tonight
Sees the light and says
Fly if you want to
That's alright
But if you want to
Call me
Call this line
Just an alien
Just an alien
Oh, we just want to get home again
Tell your leader
Sir or ma'am
We come in peace
We mean no harm
Somewhere out there
In the unknown
All the E.T.'s are phoning home
Watching my life
On the skyline
Crossing your eyes
For a lifetime
Just an alien
Moving target
Target movement
A patch, a corner
Of the spacetime
Just an alien
Turning toward it
Turning pages
Over Asia
Crossing ages
Just an alien
Oh, we just want to get home again
Diamonds ate the radio
Moving in the dead of night
We took photographs just some just so
History has some to know
We were moving at the speed of flight
Kids cry
If you want to
That's alright
If you want to
Hold me
Hold me tight
Just an alien
We were hovering without a home
Millions are UFO
Hovering in hope some scope tonight
Sees the light and says
Fly if you want to
That's alright
But if you want to
Call me
Call this line
Just an alien
Just an alien
Oh, we just want to get home again
Tell your leader
Sir or ma'am
We come in peace
We mean no harm
Somewhere out there
In the unknown
All the E.T.'s are phoning home
Watching my life
On the skyline
Crossing your eyes
For a lifetime
Just an alien
Moving target
Target movement
A patch, a corner
Of the spacetime
Just an alien
Turning toward it
Turning pages
Over Asia
Crossing ages
Just an alien
Oh, we just want to get home again
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