One More Light de Linkin Park - Letra y clip
Playlist One More Light - Linkin Park
Enth E nd (instrumental)
Linkin Park reinterpreted by Kutmasta Kurt
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Letra de One More Light - Linkin Park
Should've stayed. Were there signs I ignored?
Can I help you not to hurt anymore?
We saw brilliance when the world was asleep
There are things that we can have but can't keep
If they say
Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do
The reminders pull the floor from your feet
In the kitchen one more chair than you need
And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair
Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there
If they say
Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do
Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do
Well, I do
Can I help you not to hurt anymore?
We saw brilliance when the world was asleep
There are things that we can have but can't keep
If they say
Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do
The reminders pull the floor from your feet
In the kitchen one more chair than you need
And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair
Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there
If they say
Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do
Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do
Well, I do
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